Hopefully this information is helpful in detailing the time and energy that it can take to manage and maintain this hobby. I must say that it is one of my favorite hobbies, but not the oldest... in case you were wondering, that oldest would be motorcycle riding and astronomy, but not at the same time! Some may differ on the idea of riding as being more of a passion, but then again, depends on your point of view.
Here is the graph in table form:
Date Individuals Familes Sources File Size (KB)
1975-0101 10 1 5 0
1978-0101 50 10 5 0
1980-0101 100 30 na 0
2000-0101 150 120 na 0
2002-0101 200 140 na 0
2003-0101 260 200 na 0
2004-1213 382 250 na 0
2005-0112 645 598 43 469
2005-0313 2146 1515 103 1096
2006-0628 2183 1544 120 1152
2006-0820 2405 1688 175 1729
2006-0827 2417 1698 188 1733
2006-1024 2579 1820 218 2165